The employers' liability insurance association recommends that operators of aerial work platforms wear personal fall protection equipment (PPE) as a restraint system. It protects the person from being thrown out of the work basket by the so-called whip/catapult effect.
In order for the person to be able to use the PPE correctly, DGUV Regulation 1 "Principles of Prevention" requires in §31: For personal protective equipment intended to protect against fatal hazards or permanent damage to health, the employer must provide the insured persons with the information on use to be provided in accordance with § 3 Paragraph 2 of the PPE Utilisation Ordinance as part of instructions with exercises.
Prerequisites for participation in the PPE instruction:
- Completion of the 18th year of age
- Knowledge of written and spoken German*
* Instruction can be carried out with an interpreter.
Annual instruction of the use of personal fall protection equipment (PPE) in aerial work platforms takes approximately three to four hours.
The instruction covers the following topics:
- General principles of occupational health and safety
- General principles of PPE and rescue equipment
- Types and practical use of PPE
- First aid measures
- NO performance of hanging exercises
The following list price applies for the annual PPE instruction:
- Annual instruction: €205 per person
The price applies to registrations from Germany plus VAT. Additional costs maybe incurred for ancillary services.
Note on group training courses:
Group training dates can be discussed individually with the mateco Academy team. Please contact us at Akademie(at)mateco.de or +49 2802 949272.